Compiler Directives are specialized php function calls located in body.tpl in
comment block which act on the index template for purposes of importing from remote sources during the TerraDctlScript trans-compile process.
They must be one per line and end with semicolon.
[Begin TerraDctl Compiler Directives]
[ImportIndexTemplate(‘’,’alt=”Share on Reddit” /></a></div></div><p><strong>’,”</div><!”.”– .entry-content –“.”>”,”%BODY%”);]
[PokeIndexTemplateAfter(‘<meta name=”description” content=”‘,’%METADESCRIPTION%’);]
[PokeIndexTemplateBefore(‘<meta name=”description” content=”‘,”<style type=”text/css”>%STYLES_DEFAULT%</style>”);]
[PokeIndexTemplateBefore(‘<meta name=”description” content=”‘,”<!–%OGMETATAGS%/–>”);]
[End TerraDctl Compiler Directives]
Note that the first and last index directive are required exactly as is