

GDLIB is a library for graphical dynamic web development with functions to create PNG or JPEG images on the fly. It allows your code to draw images with lines, arcs, text and multiple colors. You may program scripts to do lots of image manupulation operations such as cut and paste from other images, flood fills, and stream out the end result as a PNG or GIF while also saving to a JPEG file.

[[GD_library function:var1|var2]]

Macro Parameters:

library function: Name of Library function to be used. (see list below)

var1: variable name to be used to contain resulting status if any.

var2: variable or string containing one or more  ‘php style’  gdlib function parameters. These parameters are defined separately for each GDLIB function and may be seen by referencing links in the complete function list shown below.

Examples  of usage:

[[GD_imagecreate:success|$width , $height]]


[[INITIALIZE:var2|'480' , '640']]

Sets the variable labeled as success to boolean TRUE or FALSE depending on operational success.  The variables to the right of the pipe symbol are parameters used as specified in the following list.

GDLIB and EXIF Function list. (with links to parameter specs.)


By now you should be starting to realize just how cool actually is!

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